     rpm -e vsftpd

3.tar-zxvf vsftpd-3.0.0.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src


6.useradd nobody
8.mkdir /var/ftp
9.useradd -d/var/ftp ftp
10.chownroot.root /var/ftp
11.chmod og-w/var/ftp

12make install

13/usr/local/sbin/vsftpd & --启动

14.netstat–tulpn |grep vsftpd  --查看





local_enable=YES  --去掉注释

2.cp RedHat/vsftpd.pam/etc/pam.d/ftp  --复制并改名解压缩文件vsftpd3.0.0 下的 RedHat/vsftpd.pam /etc/pam.d/ftp

3.修改完后关闭vsftpd 服务: pkill -9 vsftpd

4.重新启动vsftpd 服务/usr/local/sbin/vsftpd &

16.增加 vsftpd的启动脚本并加入chkconfig 管理,设置开机启动

17.vim /etc/init.d/vsftpd

18.chmod a+x /etc/init.d/vsftpd

19.chkconfig –add vsftpd

20.chkconfig –list vsftpd

21.servicevsftpd start | stop |restart |status –

启动脚本如下:[root@ns init.d]# cat vsftpd#!/bin/bash#chkconfig: 2345 88 66#description: vsftpd server.prog=/usr/local/sbin/vsftpdlockfile=/var/lock/subsys/vsftpdnamearg=vsftpd. /etc/init.d/functionsstart () {    if [ -e $lockfile  ] ;then        echo "the program $namearg is running."     else        echo -n "Starting $namearg ..."        sleep 2        $prog &        [ "$?" -eq 0  ] && touch $lockfile && echo -e "\t\t\t[\033[32m 0k \033[0m]" || echo -e "\t\t\t[\033[31m fail \033[0m]"    fi}stop () {    if [ -e $lockfile  ] ;then        echo -n "Stopping $namearg ..."        sleep 2        killproc  $namearg &>/dev/null && rm -rf $lockfile && echo -e "\t\t\t[\033[32m 0k \033[0m]" || echo -e "\t\t\t[\033[31m fail \033[0m]"    else        echo "the program $namearg is stoped."    fi}status () {    if [ -e $lockfile  ] ;then        echo "the program $namearg is running."    else          echo "the program $namearg is stoped. "    fi}case $1 instart)    start    ;;stop)     stop    ;;restart)    stop    start    ;;status)    status    ;;*)    echo "Usage: $namearg [start | stop | restart | status ]"    ;;esac

参照 ftp 目录下的INSTALL    cat INSTALL

hisfile details how to build and install / run vsftpd from the vsftpd

distribution.tar.gz file.

Step1) Build vsftpd.

Switchto the directory created when you unpacked the vsftpd .tar.gz file.



edit"builddefs.h" to handle compile-time settings (tcp_wrappers build,


Justtype "make" (and mail me to fix it if it doesn't build ;-).

Thisshould produce you a vsftpd binary. You can test for this, e.g.:

[chris@localhostvsftpd]$ ls -l vsftpd

-rwxrwxr-x    1 chris   chris       61748 Sep 27 00:26vsftpd

Step2) Satisfy vsftpd pre-requisites

2a)vsftpd needs the user "nobody" in the default configuration. Add this

userin case it does not already exist. e.g.:

[root@localhostroot]# useradd nobody

useradd:user nobody exists

2b)vsftpd needs the (empty) directory /usr/share/empty in the default

configuration.Add this directory in case it does not already exist. e.g.:

[root@localhostroot]# mkdir /usr/share/empty/

mkdir:cannot create directory `/usr/share/empty': File exists

2c)For anonymous FTP, you will need the user "ftp" to exist, and have a

validhome directory (which is NOT owned or writable by the user "ftp").

Thefollowing commands could be used to set up the user "ftp" if you donot


[root@localhostroot]# mkdir /var/ftp/

[root@localhostroot]# useradd -d /var/ftp ftp

(thenext two are useful to run even if the user "ftp" already exists).

[root@localhostroot]# chown root.root /var/ftp

[root@localhostroot]# chmod og-w /var/ftp

Step3) Install vsftpd config file, executable, man page, etc.

Running"make install" will try to copy the binary, man pages, etc. to


Oryou might want to copy these things by hand, e.g.:

cpvsftpd /usr/local/sbin/vsftpd

cpvsftpd.conf.5 /usr/local/man/man5

cpvsftpd.8 /usr/local/man/man8

"makeinstall" doesn't copy the sample config file. It is recommended you


cpvsftpd.conf /etc

Step4) Smoke test (without an inetd).

vsftpdcan run standalone or via an inetd (such as inetd or xinetd). You will

typicallyget more control running vsftpd from an inetd. But first we will run

itwithout, so we can check things are going well so far.

Edit/etc/vsftpd.conf, and add this line at the bottom:


Thistells vsftpd it will NOT be running from inetd.

Right,now let's try and run it!

Login as root.

Makesure you are not running other FTP servers (or vsftpd will not be able

touse the FTP port, 21).

Runthe binary from wherever you put it, e.g.:

[root@localhostroot]# /usr/local/sbin/vsftpd &


Ifall is well, you can now connect! e.g.: